Dear Alchemists,

From a poker technical point of view this is the first week since the start of my challenge that didn't go so well. I simply had a lot on my plate privately and had almost no time to play. I don't blame myself if I made the wrong decisions that led to this result. 

At least I was able to learn some new poker material, because I managed to finish reading "Whe Math of Poker by Collin and Douglas, which I can really recommend to anyone who is looking for a logical approach to poker. I also started reading the new book by Barry and Dara "Endgame Poker Strategy - The Icm Book. Since I have already read the two books in the series and found them great I am really looking forward to it. For me as a SNG and MTT player, there are a lot of things in it that I already knew, but also a few subtleties that I had not yet noticed in the way. I'm super excited to see what the rest of the book is like. 

I have so much time to read, unfortunately, because I stupidly fell down Sunday and suffered a knee injury again. This is a big problem for me as I have already had two ACL tears and this time it affected my last healthy knee. I have big mindset problems to deal with the situation, because I felt like I was thrown back in time. 

With me such things are always connected with emotional food, which makes my sporty goals not only physically, but also mentally in far distance and me me so to speak still another leg place. For this reason I looked for something in my mindset programs that helps me over time and found it in the Primed mind podcast by Elliot Roe. In the episode 07 - Vik Hothi - The Martial Arts Master who is to stubborn to die. He counts Vik how he had to learn to walk again after a serious illness and did not give up. Even when all wounds were reopened because of an infection and he had to start all over again a second time in a short time. For him, starting over again was not difficult at all, because he had already done it once, he knew that he could learn it again. 

This attitude of him lets me look positively on my health and say again full of conviction, no matter what with the knee is I get it again. Because in life it doesn't depend on how often you fall down but how often you get up again.

Liebe Alchemisten,

es geht endlich voran. Habe heute mein ersten Stream gemacht und ich muss sagen, dass poker streamen einfacher aussieht als es ist. Mir fehlen noch ein paar bessere Einstellungen im steamlabs, aber ich denke, das Streaming genau das ist, was ich gerade brauche. Ich denke Immersion in eine Sache, die mir am Herzen liegt, ist genau das, was mir gerade weiterhilft. Ich bin zwar in der letzten Woche insgesamt nicht so gut gerunnt, aber keine hat gesagt es leicht wird. Genau das ist aber etwas, was mich am meisten reizt. Endlich neue Wege gehen mit Sachen, die ich vorher nie gemacht habe genau wie dieser Blog hat mir so viel weitergeholfen. Jetzt gilt es Schritt für Schritt wieder besser zu werden und meine Entscheidungen laut durchzusprechen beim Streamen. Wenn ich als Nächstes, die Streamsoftware richtig bedienen, kann mich ganz auf das Pokern konzentrieren. Ich kann das nur jedem, der es mit dem Pokern ernst meint entweder seine eigenen Sessions aufzunehmen oder zu streamen. Das war es für das Erste.

Week 57

Start bankroll: $3000
Last weeks Profit: $156.61
Overall Profit: $3710.39
Today's Bankroll: $6710.39
Goal: $15000


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